Student Organization Funding

The 2024-2025 funding committees will have a modified, submission-review-approval process.

  • Student Activities Funding Committee (SAFC) will fund EVENTS open on to all students on campus. (we will not fund food OR any element of a conference/symposium, note other restrictions may apply)
  • Student Organization Funding Allocation Board (SOFAB) will fund conference travel or professional development of the group. (we will not fund food or publications of any type, note other restrictions may apply) LIMIT $700 per semester.
    • Funding is only done through reimbursement AFTER attending the event. Groups must seek approval PRIOR to making any purchases or attending the event*. Events over winter break will be considered spring funding **

      Requirements – ACTIVE COF Account

       $25 minimum at time of application

       *Events held over the summer are the exception to the prior approval rule.  Organizations seeking funding for conferences held over the summer are required to apply for reimbursement in the 2nd Funding Period.

       **Events held during the winter are required to apply for funding in the 3rd Funding Period.

Funding Deadlines Heading link

Period Event date is between Deadline to Submit Presentation Date
1 10/15/2024-10/31/2024 9/19/2024
2 11/1/2024--12/1/2024 10/10/2024
3 1/6/2025-- 1/31/2025 11/7/2024
4 2/1/2025--2/28/2025 11/14/2024
5 3/1/2025--3/31/2025 1/30/2025
6 4/1/2025--4/28/25 3/6/2025

How to Apply Heading link


Funds- speakers, art exhibits, lectures, film screenings, talent shows, athletic events and other events.

DOES NOT FUND fundraisers or philanthropy. Ticket or entry fees are not allowed.

SAFC funded events will cover-
Room Costs
Audio Visual Equipment
Marketing for the on-campus event
Catering for the event (food must be purchased through UIC Dining ONLY)
Honoraria for performers

SAFC will not fund the following-
Catering for the event (off campus caterers)
Marketing for an off campus event
Marketing from an off campus vendor
Honoraria for U of I system faculty, staff, students
Giveaways (items or photobooths)

Funding requests are limited to $5,000. Each organization is limited to $10,000 per year.


SOFAB funds conference attendance (registration, travel, lodging, but not food), organization development, philanthropy, team building.

SOFAB limit $700. Done through reimbursement.
Link to funding request below on this page.

Team Building (SOFAB done through reimbursement. Include details such as the location, date, time place, and what will happen.)

SOR Credit

Guidelines and Application for Catering Support


University of Illinois at Chicago registered student organizations are eligible for catering support for their events. APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED 10 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT

Student organizations are restricted to the following guidelines:

1. The maximum dollar value of food and/or beverages is $400 per per semester ($800 per academic year).
2. Only events exclusively sponsored by registered student organizations will be supported. Events with University departmental or external co-sponsorship are not eligible.
3. The event must be held on the UIC campus. No off-campus events will be supported.
4. No alcohol can be provided.
5. Access to support is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The total support available for all
events is $40,000.
6. This application and catering order confirmation must be submitted to Meetings & Conferences through this online form at least seven business days in advance of the event. If your event is in a building other than
the Student Centers proof of the reservation must be submitted along with the application.
7. If you cancel an event reservation date and/or catering support order, that catering support order can not be moved to a new event reservation date.
8. Once a catering order has been placed it can not be changed. Please be sure of catering order before completing.

9. SOR Credit is only given to student organizations that have a minimum of 10 members in their UIC Connection portal.

10. Failure to pick up food will result in the organization being billed for the items ordered.

Completion of this form means you have read and understand the above Guidelines and Application for Catering Support.


Please make sure that you have already submitted your order with UIC Catering before submitting an SOR Catering Application! You can submit your order with UIC Catering here.

If you HAVE NOT already submitted your order with UIC Catering, you WILL NOT have the required information to complete this form.

If you do not already have an account you will need to register an account with UIC Catering.





President, Treasurer or Third Officer please complete:


Your presentation can be a slide deck or in person.

SOFAB funds conference attendance (registration, travel, lodging, but not food), organization development, philanthropy, team building.

SOFAB limit $700. Done through reimbursement.
Link to funding request below on this page.

Slide decks limited to 20 slides
In person presentations are limited to 7 minutes.

  • Introduce your organization and its OVERALL mission
  • introduce the event that you are requesting funds for and its purpose
  • Walk us through the benefit to the campus AND/OR your organization
  • Walk us through each line item: Talent, location, marketing
  • Highlight your marketing
  • Highlight your collaboration

Committee Decision

After all presentations a vote will be held for each event requesting funding.

Presenters are also included in the vote. One per organization.

Groups receiving an affirmative will receive an award letter that details the amount of funding for each request.

That award letter is the final decision of the committee.

Payment Processing

Contracts will be drafted by the Center for Student Involvement.

Payments will be made by the Center for Student Involvement.

Reimbursements MUST be approved prior to the purchase of any item. That approval will come from Vance Pierce, Associate Director of the Center for Student Involvement.